Over the past month or so, we’ve reviewed 40 years of gaming history to look at how player-led governance of games has evolved over time. We’ve unearthed structures that bring scalability through decentralization with the council system and OSRS polling system solving the previous bottleneck of community managers, and instances of full-player led governance with institutions and social norms dating back to the 1980s.
I’ve compiled the list of articles here below.
Primer on Governance System Design History in Games

Summary of Articles - Potential Structures and Why we should Care

Game Governance 1 - Ultima 4, Doom/Quake, Shareware and BBS/Usenet
Game Governance 2 - Eve/WoW and the Council System
Game Governance 3 - Runescape and Voting
Game Governance 4 - Illuvium and The Citadel Game

Game Governance 5 - Reputation Scaled Systems

Game Governance 6 - Virtual Worlds, LambdaMoo/Second Life

At Metaportal we’re dedicated to helping build sustainable, scalable governance structures that actually help decipher feedback and add another fun aspect to the game itself. If you are a crypto-game interested in decentralization give us a DM on Twitter @metaportal_dao.