This article talks about our vision for MetaPortal and the MetaPortal community, our principles, funding sources and what we hope to achieve in the space.
While I've been hearing about the metaverse for a while now, nothing gets me as hyped for the future of the metaverse as much as metaportal. I always leave with a tingly feeling of excitement whenever I read your blogs. Super excited about the direction metaportal is taking and I can't wait to see what you guys have planned. Excellent content, excellent product ($MVI), I wish you guys all the best.
While I've been hearing about the metaverse for a while now, nothing gets me as hyped for the future of the metaverse as much as metaportal. I always leave with a tingly feeling of excitement whenever I read your blogs. Super excited about the direction metaportal is taking and I can't wait to see what you guys have planned. Excellent content, excellent product ($MVI), I wish you guys all the best.